Two gals with too much time on their hands talking about all things lesbian, bi, and subtext.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Podcast #2

In our second podcast Kendra and Dany give some listener feedback, talk about their Strong Female Character of the week, discuss Law and Order SVU and the loveliness that is Olivia Benson, and then geek out about Veronica Mars and Guiding Light. And of course, they discuss in their "Dollhouse Minute" this past week's episode. Below we also have a some good fan fiction sites for SVU.

Femslash Today
This is a site on livejournal that keeps a daily records of femslash fics posted around various communities across livejournal.

Passion Perfect
Ralst's Passion & Perfection Livejournal community, new fics are added daily
find her archived website here:
Passion and Perfection

Realm of the Shadow
Another great site with multiple fandoms.

SVU Femslash
A livejournal community for only SVU femslash.

SVU Fanfiction
Livjournal community of SVU fanfiction.


  1. I stopped watching Sarah Connor after the first season, so I feel like I should pick that up again. Fun fact of the day: my mum's friend when to university with Lena Headey... sadly they lost touch so I couldn't get her to introduce me.

    So I guess I'm gonna be on the podcast then huh? Can I have my own, like, 'expert opinion' section? :p

  2. nice podcast ladies. why do u think, with so many "gay" people working in the entertainment industry, they choose to depict gay people so terribly or not at all ?

  3. Another great podcast guys =)

    RE: your comment about Sarah Connor running away in the first Terminator: If that thing was after you - wouldn't you run too? LOL I haven't watched much TV in the last year (basically because I didn't have one) so I've missed some great shows - like the 2nd season of Sarah Connor Chronicles and the first episodes of Dollhouse.

    I want to start watching Dollhouse, and was wondering your opinion. Can I start watching now and pretty much follow it or should I wait until the whole thing comes to DVD?

  4. I found your podcast on itunes and just heard the 1st 5 min. of 2nd, but wanted to say i have enjoyed what i'm hearing so far...except..."what about "Bones"?" kept running through my head. Just recently discovered this show and am catching up on Netflix. An exceptionally strong female lead, 2 strong female supporting characters, one of whom I think is bi (just caught a part of a later show on a rerun), and a male lead who works more by instinct/feelings juxtaposed with female lead's analyticalosity. Kinda like a Kirk/Spock dynamic, but also playing around with stereotypic gender roles. Now that I think about it, there's also Medium. Sure she's got the hubby & kids, but she also solves crimes and battles paranormal stuff and prevails. Looking forward to future podcasts. Esp. the comics/animated stuff and scifi discussions.

  5. Thanks for the nice comments Kip- We just finished taping our 3rd podcast, so we didn't get your comments in on time for it, but i'll bring it up next time. I am a fan of both Bones and Medium, and they are on my list of strong female characters to highlight.

